Carol Gignoux
Title: Teaching Strategies for Students with Special Educational Needs
Teatime Date & Time: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 @ 2:00 pm
Location: Koch Institute, 76-659
Carol Gignoux, M.Ed. is founder and President of ADD Insights, LLC, a Boston-based firm that provides coaching and training for adults and teens with Attention Deficit Disorder, Learning Disabilities and other special needs. She began her work with ADHD immediately upon her graduation from college in 1972, and has continued that work for the past 36 years. She specializes in working with both teens and adults, with or without an ADHD or LD diagnosis, who want to see better results in their academic, professional and personal lives. Carol has a Master’s Degree in Education focusing on young people with unique learning challenges. She co-founded the first department of special education in Athens, GA. She spent 17 years working for the City of Boston Public Schools working one-on-one with the most disadvantaged students and managing programs and schools. Before staring her business, she was a school administrator for the town of Sudbury, MA. She has trained with Coach U, Inc. and is a certified graduate. She has also completed a graduate coaching program with the Newfield Network in Minneapolis, MN and an Executive Coach Training Program with Success Dynamics in Concord, MA. Carol co-created the Institute for the Advancement of ADHD Coaching, the international organization that certifies ADHD Coaches and ADHD Training Programs. She has achieved the most advanced ADHD coaching designation: the Senior Certified ADHD Coach or SCAC and trains qualified people to be coaches for people with special needs.