Group Meeting Archive: Dr. Saif Rayyan

Dr. Saif Rayyan

Title: edX for MIT Residential Courses: Examples and Comparison to MOOCs

Group Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 @ 2:00 pm

View the slides from Dr. Rayyan’s Group Meeting

Dr. Saif Rayyan is a lecturer in the Physics department and the concourse program at MIT. He received his Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics from Virginia Tech before switching his interests to teaching and to physics education research. He spent two years at Beloit College as a Teaching Fellow, and then moved to MIT as a postdoc working with Professor David Pritchard and the RELATE group (Research in Learning, Assessing and Tutoring Effectively). Now, in addition to teaching introductory physics, Dr. Rayyan is working on the development of physics content on edX for use in edX courses and in MIT’s on-campus classes. Working with online platforms such as edX, Dr. Rayyan hopes to find the best practices for using online content to help students and teachers.