Dr. Megan Rokop

Director, Educational Outreach Program
The Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard
B.S., Biology, Brown University
Ph.D., Biology, MIT

E-mail: rokop <at> broadinstitute <dot> org

Dr. Megan Rokop is the Director of the Educational Outreach Program at the Broad Institute. This remarkable outreach program includes high school class visits to the Broad Institute, summer internships for rising high school seniors, teacher forums, and semester-long research projects that enable groups of high school students to spend Saturdays working together in a dedicated Broad Laboratory. Megan studied Biology and the German language as an undergraduate at Brown University before completing her doctoral research in the laboratory of Professor Alan Grossman at MIT. Megan broadened her teaching experience by taking MIT’s teacher education courses and devoting time to high school-level Biology instruction. She also served as an instructor in the MIT Department of Biology before beginning to develop the Educational Outreach Program in January 2007. In addition to her work at the Broad, Megan collaborates with other local educational outreach initiatives, including the MIT BLOSSOMS project (led by MIT Professor Richard Larson), for which she has created “blended learning” open source biology education videos about “Classifying Animals by Appearance Versus DNA Sequence” and “Using DNA to Identify People“.

View a brochure about volunteering opportunities within the Broad Institute’s Educational Outreach Program.

Related websites:

The Broad Institute Educational Outreach Program
URL: http://www.broadinstitute.org/outreach/education

Classifying Animals by Appearance Versus DNA Sequence – an MIT BLOSSOMS lesson with Megan Rokop

Using DNA to Identify People – an MIT BLOSSOMS lesson with Megan Rokop


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