Dr. Rachel Woodruff

Educational Consultant
Educational Outreach, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Postdoctoral Researcher/Lab manager
Biology Department, Northeastern University

B.A., Yale University
Ph.D., Biology, MIT

E-mail: rachelw <at> mit <dot> edu

Dr. Rachel Woodruff has been involved with both the original (2002-2006) and re-established Education Group. Rachel has taught courses in undergraduate Biochemistry as an Adjunct Lecturer at Suffolk University, and Introductory Biology as an Instructor at MIT. She is currently involved in outreach to high school students as a consultant with the Educational Outreach Program at the Broad Institute. As a laboratory biologist, Rachel has also worked in the laboratories of Craig Crews and Tom Steitz (both at Yale University), Guido Guidotti (Harvard University), and Graham Walker (MIT).


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