Associate Professor of Biology 
Department of Biology, Tufts University
B.A., Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder
High School Science Teaching Certification, State of Texas
Ph.D., Biology, MIT
SPIRE Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
E-mail: mitch <dot> mcvey <at> tufts <dot> edu
Currently, Mitch teaches the introductory biology and molecular biology classes at Tufts University. Together with other faculty in my department, he has developed a course called Teaching Biology: Pedagogy and Practice, whose target audience is graduate students new to teaching. The McVey lab’s research interests include DNA repair and recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. In addition, Mitch serves as the co-director of the Tufts TEACRS postdoctoral training program, whose mission is to increase diversity within the sciences and to train postdoctoral fellows in effective teaching, research, and outreach practices.
Related websites:
The McVey Laboratory Website
Selected publications:
Selected publications:
Rybarczyk B, Baines AT, McVey M, Thompson JT, Wilkins HR. (2007). A case-based approach increases student learning outcomes and comprehension of cellular respiration concepts. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 35: 181-186. View PDF
Baines AT, McVey M, Rybarczyk B, Thompson JT, Wilkins HR. (2004). The mystery of the toxic flea dip: an interactive approach to teaching aerobic cellular respiration. Cell Biology Education 3: 62-68. View PDF
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