Dr. Shoumita Dasgupta

Associate Professor of Medicine
Assistant Dean of Admissions
Director of Graduate Studies in Genetics and Genomics
Boston University School of Medicine
B.S., Biology, MIT
E-mail: dasgupta <at> bu <dot> edu

Shoumita Dasgupta is an Associate Professor of Medicine, Assistant Dean of Admissions, and Director of Graduate Studies in Genetics and Genomics at Boston University School of Medicine. She received her B.S. in Biology from MIT and went on to do her doctoral work at UCSF. After completing her Ph.D., she moved to Boston University’s School of Medicine to develop a novel doctoral program in Genetics and Genomics. The goal of this program is to teach students to apply the approaches of classical genetics and modern genomics to biomedical research and clinical practice. Recently, Dr. Dasgupta has been named a co-director for a new initiative to integrate the doctoral curriculum for first year students in many disciplines across the biomedical sciences. Dr. Dasgupta also works with medical students on campus, where she directs their first year Medical Genetics course and works to implement interdisciplinary, active-learning methods in the classroom. Because of her educational and administrative work with these varied student populations, she is also interested in issues around mentoring of women and underrepresented minorities in the sciences.

Related websites:

Shoumita Dasgupta’s website
URL: http://www.bumc.bu.edu/genetics/genetics-people/faculty/dasgupta/

BU Graduate Program website
URL: http://www.bumc.bu.edu/gpgg/


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