Research Scientist
HHMI Education Group
MIT Department of Biology & OEIT
B.S., Biology, Brown University
Ph.D., Molecular Biology, MIT
E-mail: laleman <at> mit <dot> edu
Dr. Lourdes Alemán is a founding member of the Education Group reestablished in September 2010. Lourdes is actively involved in science education innovation and is one of the key domain specialists working with the Software Tools for Academics & Researchers (STAR) Program in MIT’s Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT). During her postdoctoral work in science education, Lourdes helped to develop the freely available StarBiochem and StarGenetics software programs. She has done extensive curricular development, outreach, and research to support the STAR educational initiatives, and she continues to be actively engaged in this work and in the development of new educational software tools and resources. Lourdes is a laboratory-trained biologist, having completed her doctoral research in the laboratories of Professor Phillip A. Sharp and Professor Frank Solomon at the MIT Department of Biology and the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT.
Selected publications:
Alemán, L.M., M. Kosinski-Collins, C. Shubert, I. Ceraj, C.A. Kaiser, and G.C. Walker. Harnessing the Power of Research-Based Visualization and Simulation Tools for Classroom teaching. Submitted to American Biol. Teach.
Ceraj, I., J.T. Riley, C. Shubert, L.M. Alemán, M. Kosinski-Collins, M.E. Rokop, and K. Vandiver. Integrating protein visualisation in the classroom with StarBiochem. International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 3: 30-36 (2010). View PDF
Alemán, L.M., J. Doench, and P.A. Sharp. Comparison of siRNA-induced off-target RNA and protein effects. RNA 13: 385-395 (2007). View PDF
Miyoshi-Akiyama, T., L.M. Alemán, J.M. Smith, C.E. Adler, and B.J. Mayer. Regulation of Cbl phosphorylation by the Abl tyrosine kinase and the Nck SH2/SH3 adaptor. Oncogene 20: 4058-4069 (2001). View PDF
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