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Professor Brian White
Topic: Warm-ups and cold calls: getting students to engage with the lecture material
Group Meeting Date & Time: Thursday, October 27, 2011 @ 3:30 pm
Location: Broad Institute (7 Cambridge Center), Monadnock Room (Rm 2040, located on 2nd floor)
Professor Brian White is a Professor of Biology at University of Massachusetts Boston where he teaches introductory biology. Professor White’s research group focuses on biology education, in particular on developing and evaluating technology for teaching biology concepts and in investigating students’ reasoning and problem solving processes. Professor White has developed several software tools to enhance biology learning, such as The Virtual Genetics Lab, The Gene Explorer, The Protein Investigator and an interactive simulation linking genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and evolution called Aipotu. In addition, Professor White is the author of “A Problems Approach to Introductory Biology” – a written textbook of practice problems for introductory biology that incorporates problems which utilize some of the software educational tools that he has developed. Professor White received his Ph.D. in Biology from Stanford University. In 2000, he received a CAS Outstanding Achievement Award for excellent teaching. Professor White has been a participant and a facilitator in the HHMI-Funded NAS Summer Institutes for Scientific Teaching. In his talk, Professor White will tell us about his use of warm-up questions and cold-calling in his lectures to stimulate student engagement and increase learning.